Spray Foam Insulation
Amistee Air Duct
Cleaning & Insulation is now proud to offer spray foam insulation! Making sure your home is
properly insulated can be one of the easiest and efficient ways to improve your home.
What is Spray Foam Insulation?
Spray foam is a mixture of liquid and
chemical ingredients that react to produce foam to use as insulation. Spray foam can expand to
over 30% of its original size and can help solve a variety of problems in your home.
How does it work?
As the liquid and chemical ingredients
react to produce foam, the Amistee technicians then apply the insulation to walls, attics,
basements, and crawl spaces.
Is it safe?
Spray foam insulation is safe and
effective when installed properly. If the homeowner is fume sensitive, we do recommend they
leave the home once the insulating process has been started and for a period of about 24 hours
after the job has been complete. If there is proper ventilation, the homeowners could reenter
the home about 3-4 hours after installing the insulation.
Amistee Air Duct Cleaning & Insulation
will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to prevent breathing any particles. In some
cases, we will use equipment to ventilate the space.
What's the difference between Spray
Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass Insulation?
Spray Foam - Spray foam is a mixture of
liquid and chemical ingredients that react to produce foam used as insulation. It expands and
hardens quickly, and is able to fill small gaps and cracks. Unlike cellulose and fiberglass,
spray foam insulation never loses its shape. After it hardens, it doesn't compress, sag or
Because spray foam insulation can fill
small gaps and cracks, it's also a great tool for controlling air infiltration - meaning air
can't leak in or leak out.
Cellulose - Cellulose is a loose-fill
product composed of 80% recycled newspaper and 20% fire retardant chemicals. This type of
insulation is blown into spaces and can fill various shapes and sizes of spaces.
Fiberglass - Fiberglass is the most
common insulation for residential properties. It's made up of multiple layers of spun glass
fibers and is pre-cut to standard sizes to fit between ceiling joists and framing studs within